Lectures · Speeches · Keynotes · Talks
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Many speak, but few have anything to say. Let Bernd Wenske have his say, and your event will be an event that will resonate for a long time. Give your participants inspiration and motivation from which everyone benefits.


Follow Bernd Wenske on a path through intelligent content and pointed rhetoric, laugh at his extraordinary wit and experience an authentic person.

This man is an asset to every listener and every company. Bernd Wenske not only wants to improve a lot. He also knows how to do it.

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Bernd Wenske | Lectures Speeches Presentation Talks about Philanthropy and Simply Doing Good
Lectures, Speeches, Presentations, Talks about Philanthropy and Simply Doing Good
Bernd Wenske Vorträge | Speaker


Bernd Wenske for…

  • Events of all kinds, virtual and online or live on site
  • (Video) Podcast + Radio Interviews
  • Executive conferences
  • Web seminars; online presentations
  • Keynote lectures
  • Kick-off events
  • Congresses in presence and online
  • Customer events
  • Employee events
  • Fireside and salon talks
  • Association meetings
  • Sales meetings
  • Dinner Speeches

Contact for bookings


The Shift, The Edge & The Currency


Change of Perspective for Sustainable Market Success

Demographic developments and chaotic immigration policies drive the German economy into a dangerous vortex. Politics is lagging more and more now. Bernd Wenske knows the problem from his own experience through his work on projects to integrate highly qualified foreign specialists and as a journalist.


In this lecture, Wenske clarifies why we got into these severe difficulties and how to escape them. Well-founded and pointed, sometimes provocative, but always solution-oriented, Bernd Wenske shows how to strengthen the economy sustainably.

Markterfolg lösungsorientiert | Bernd Wenske Shift
Bernd Wenske



Everything is subject to change. If you resist, you lose. Therefore, recognising and using them is crucial- they cannot cause discomfort but bring advantages. People from other cultures and different qualifications can get these advantages and be an enormous asset to German companies.


How? Bernd Wenske would like to make that clear with this lecture. Away from old schemes towards new ways of thinking and solutions, benefit from each other instead of setting yourself apart. Wenske shows new perspectives to conquer the markets of tomorrow. He blows the dust out of the drawers of thought: provocatively pointed and practical.



Bernd Wenske is not only one of the most distinguished speakers and business experts in Germany but is also a committed philanthropist. For him, the WE is superordinate to his business-related topics. Some things affect everyone; sticking together and makeup.


In his lecture, he pursues the burning questions of civil society’s role in political and economic development and what task it must fulfil. The connection between the individual, groups and organisation has occupied Bernd Wenske for a long time. The strength of his lecture „Our currency values“ lies in explicitly linking mind games and reality, analysing the status quo with trend-setting perspectives for the future.

Bernd Wenske Vorträge | Speaker
Bernd Wenske | Global Launch of the International Day of Conscience


UN International Day of Conscience

On April 5, 2019, ambassadors and official envoys from 42 nations met at the United Nations House in Vienna for the World Summit for Love and Peace. The invitation to this extraordinary appointment was made by Dr Tao-Tze Hong, President of FOWPAL (Federation of World Peace and Love) and Dr Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, Ambassador of Bahrain to the United Nations (Vienna). The „UN International Day of Conscience“ was officially launched.


Bernd Wenske, known for his international topics such as controlled migration and good international communication „We urgently need to talk to each other!„, gladly accepted the invitation to this festive event. His congratulations went to the state representatives present and his thanks to the initiators of this worldwide mission. He appealed to the social responsibility of each individual: „The official declaration of commitment to a culture of peace in the world needs the international framework of the United Nations.


One concern of Wenske is an international culture of tolerance, true to the motto of the Int. Day of Conscience. In his opinion, for different cultures to understand each other, it requires an encounter on an equal footing. In the closing remarks, the speaker made it clear: “I honour the people who take care of themselves, their neighbours, the streets and the city. That is where peace on earth has its roots.

Be the podcast host!


Embark on a mental trip with Bernd Wenske and experience how his impulses from deep wisdom and giving attitude animate your synapses to dance the tango! No matter where in the world – hearing and experiencing Wenske is always worthwhile. His expertise is in demand and recognized internationally; you, too, can benefit from it!

Book Bernd Wenske now as a valuable podcast guest for an interview or a guest contribution. Download the OneSheet with detailed information directly.