08 Dez 8th December is Worldwide Candle Lighting Day
For hundreds of years, lighting a candle has been a way to show respect for those that have died. This beautiful gesture shows that although someone may have gone from this world, their memory will endure, and the light of their flame will continue to inspire and guide others.
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day is a celebration of solidarity and memory. It’s a day when people gather to light candles for children who have died and to show that they will always be loved and never forgotten. The Worldwide Candle Lighting Initiative supports and commemorates an annual World Day of Remembrance for all deceased children on the second Sunday of December. The initiators and supporters invite relatives worldwide to celebrate this day of their dead children, grandchildren and siblings.
Every year on the second Sunday of December, the candles are lit simultaneously in every time zone at 7:00 pm, meaning a consistent warm glow passes around the planet for a full 24-hour day.
Every light in the window represents the knowledge that these children have brightened up life and will never be forgotten. The light also stands for the hope that mourning will not darken relatives‘ lives forever. The light builds bridges from one affected person to another, from one family to another, from one house to another, from one town to another, and from one land to another. It assures those affected of solidarity among themselves. It warms the cold life a little and will spread as the first ray of sunshine does in the morning.
Sources: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worldwide_Candle_Lighting + https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/worldwide-candle-lighting-day/
Photo by Mercedes Bosquet on Unsplash