International Day of Conscience Launched at the UN in Vienna

The International Day of Conscience was launched on April 5, 2019, during the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations in Vienna to awaken people’s conscience. The event was co-organized by the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and the Permanent Mission of Bahrain to the United Nations Office in Vienna.

Since April 5, 2018, FOWPAL had worked with various missions to the UN to promote the culture of peace with love and conscience. The idea had resonated with 42 Permanent Missions. In recognition of this initial global collaboration, FOWPAL chose April 5 as the International Day of Conscience.

It is very significant to officially proclaim the International Day of Conscience at the United Nations. “The purpose of the proclamation of the International Day of Conscience is to remind the people of the world to listen to their conscience and seek wisdom and balance through self-reflection and self-correction to attain inner peace. Through spreading a culture of love and peace guided by conscience to all global citizens, we hope that everyone’s conscience will become awakened and eventually the dream of world peace will become a reality,” said Dr Hong in his welcome remarks.

In celebration of the International Day of Conscience, an ancient solemn ceremony of ringing the Bell of World Peace and Love was specially held at the UN in Vienna for the first time. The clear sound of the Bell reverberated in the depths of the attendees’ hearts, reminding them to follow the dictates of their conscience.

Another highlight of the event was the ceremony of endorsing the Declaration of International Day of Conscience. From this moment on, April 5 will be the International Day of Conscience. On Feb. 5, 2019, Dr Hong initiated the endorsement campaign for the Declaration of International Day of Conscience at the UN in New York. To date, over a short period of two months, the declaration has been translated into 22 languages, andpeople in more than 120 nations have endorsed it.


“Let conscience be our guide!” shouted Dr Hong and all ambassadors and delegates of various Missions to the UN in Vienna as they showed their support for the International Day of Conscience. Each of them held a special clock, which is a compass of conscience, symbolising that people should listen to the guidance of their conscience at all times.

Mr Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, the fifth President of Trinidad and Tobago as well as a Judge of the International Criminal Court from 2012 to 2013, delivered a keynote speech. Sharing his insights and experiences about the promotion of peace, he earnestly pointed out: “The adoption of the proposal to establish an International Day of Conscience is very timely at this juncture in world history.

The attendees were so inspired by the sincerity and goodwill of the organizers and speakers that they enthusiastically shared their heartfelt thoughts about conscience, love, and peace.

MrMd. Abu Zafar, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the UN in Vienna, stated, “The kind of world we are living in now, the importance of our global conscience is much greater than before. To attain peace, to promote world peace and love, let’s work together towards this end.

Ms Vivian Okeke, Ambassador of Nigeria to the UN in Vienna, remarked, “I want to congratulate Dr Hong for the launch of the International Day of Conscience.” “I believe that understanding of diversity leads to a better understanding of people and the promotion of peace,” added Ambassador Okeke.

Ms Lourdes Gisela Victoria-Kruse, Ambassador of Dominican Republic to the UN in Vienna, stressed, “In this turbulent times we are living, it is relevant to promote a culture of conscience. It is relevant to motivate people to follow their inner voice in everything they do. It is relevant to educate our children with the same values that enable our societies to develop. Let’s inspire people to follow their conscience, speak conscientious words, do conscientious deeds, and spread the positive impact of conscience to change the world for the better.


FOWPAL firmly believes that conscience is the wellspring of love and peace and the foundation of positive human development and social change. They have continued to advocate the importance of “promoting the culture of peace with love and conscience.” Changes in human society, economic development, and technological advances all have impacts on global sustainability, and vice versa. Through the analysis of past experiences and the reasons for natural disasters, world citizens have gradually come to realise that long-term and holistic development plans are necessary if we wish to achieve global sustainability.Only through wisely practising sustainable living can sustainable development become possible. In this fast-changing era, the most important issue is to awaken people’s conscience and educate their hearts. Conscience can allow people to clear their heads and gain insight into what is happening in the world as well as to bravely do what they should do at the right time, in the right place, and with the right people.

Conscience is the innate source of all human kindness. Conscience is a compass for human beings, guiding them onto the path to harmony and truth when they face tough decisions, challenges, and difficulties.

Respect for others is the key to building mutual trust among people. Following the guidance of conscience, we learn to accept the differences between one another. Subsequently, harmony can be achieved. Throughout history, we find that our present and future successes all hinge upon our hearts. The key to transforming the world lies in the culture of conscience formed by the conscience in each person’s heart. This culture, which transcends national boundaries and emphasises impartiality and selflessness, is the salvation of the Earth and all humanity.

Now is a critical time that will shape the destiny of the Earth and all humanity. We need leaders of the conscience that can influence the people of the world. Every single thought you think and every single decision you make affect the world’s future. Our collective kindness and good thoughts will generate positive energy to safeguard the Earth and ensure global sustainability.


Read and endorse the Declaration for Conscience now on FOWPAL’s website:

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